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guys open this one is Florian site


hey final earth 2


is this still getting updated? It’s been about a year and I haven’t gotten news on it recently (though I understand if there’s development on a new game instead)


yes, hes in the process of porting the game to ios and making a full version on steam


add robots so when you can't add more people you can add more jobs for the robots to do

You can increase the cap in the population tab


Please continue to work on this game, I’m very interested in it’s progress.




add infinite worlds 

(1 edit) (+1)

how do I save? Whenever I leave it wipes my progress, regardless of weather or not I click the save button.




ok but how do I export 



use this link so ur map would not disepear (

want code here. orchid, dance all night, hangar, stats, coolmath,

Why has my food production dropped?

TAKE MY FOOD!!! TOO MUCH FOOD!!! (1096782 food.)

Once, on coolmath, I got up to maybe 10 million food.

2060 × 14020 world = no screenshots


Ah the game finally becomes stable again once you finish everything :D

why have landing pads?

go into the menu and click "next scenario" then you will find out why


Deleted 3 years ago

Does anyone here know how to unlock the Experimentation Lab. A production building that produces 'Knowledge'?


The experimental Lab is a production building, which boosts refined metal factories by 10% on top or below them. You can unlock them by building computer chip factories.

i think 10 mechanical houses, 3 refined metals factories, and 12 machine parts factories

I am a somewhat beginner and cannot understand how to get your members of the second planet onto a different island, I can't do anything with the launch pad I have placed onto  an island. I have also run out of stone.



you have to complete all of the tasks for that planet, then click the menu, then next scenario to get to a new planet

if ur running out of stone, turn off some or all of your machine parts and refined metals factory and make sure you have people working in the stone mines.

(1 edit) (+2)

you need a launch pad on the other island you want to go to to and on your island, and as for stone if you have building recycleing unlocked you can recycle some buildings to either build the seconed launch pad or an astroid teleporter. Building recycling is unlocked at the workshop.

If you want to move into a new Island, you will also need to make a purpose of it. For example, if your jobs and houses are already enough on your first island, nobody will move there. 

For your stone problem, build more rock teleporters and make sure you have enough workers


guys is there like an "end" to the game I've finished literally everything and I don't think there's anything else to unlock

very messy, I know, don't judge me.


there's no end. The end is when your PC screen turns blue lol

lol ok thx

The end is when your computer can't access the web page. (too much content.)

I might be near.


My world brakes the rendering engine.







Heyy does anyone know how to increase the stone production because it's really hard for me

(2 edits)

build more stone mines and rock teleporters and make sure the priority for those is at max

Thanks, I built alot but my food keeps going down because I make it a priority lol


what i do is put all the stuff that's necessary at max, and all the other stuff at zero. like if u have 1000000 machine parts and not enough stone, just turn off the machine part factories and set the priority to zero, and stone priority at max. or if there's a task to complete or whatever.

There is a Mining Research Center, you can unlock it by having 15 stone mines, and 3 rock teleporters. I don't exactly know how to use it, so go on the kongregate wiki to find out.

also can u update the game so it runs when u are on a different tab?

hey, im having problems importing and exporting from coolmath. when I click the export button, nothing happens, and for the import button, I get an error. same thing with creating new worlds



coolmath games always have errors, I gave it up about a year ago. This site is more official as Florian is also here in the chat :D


build eco farm and max the amount of workers in it with control + click (worker limit)


hi florian i am from indo

add robots so when you can't add more people you can add more jobs for the robots to do

I'll send you 50900 food.

(1 edit)

impossible when you dont know the coordinates of Lavacity's island

I managed to build like over 1000 eco farms on cool math and I got over 3 million food, so make a lot of farms.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I really like the game, but I have serious issue with Secret Society of the Key scenario. Suddenly, without any known reason, the production of food and stone started to going down rapidly. I have lots of fully upgraded stone mines, farms and eco farms, and and so far everything has been fine, usage was balanced with production. I don't understand what happened. Why production is so f.. low now? Can anybody help me please?

Try using teleporters.

This situation always happens when you reach about 5k population, try building more herb gardens, rock teleporters, and community houses if possible. stop factory production for a while and let your rescourses go in zig-zags until you reach 8k and try to balance everything. From that point you can focus on Urban planning and decorations. Also, try to keep the happiness at a very high level since it affects your production.

Hey guys .just asking my refined metals keep going down which building uses it?tysm.


computer chip factories

upgrade die shrink to reduce the use of refine metal

The room is so dry bruh

what is experimental farm? how to get?

i just unlocked factory pub and idk what the experimental farm is.

also i exported from coolmath so some buildings that i should have unlocked i haven't gotten yet. for example i just got mechanical house after placing another machine part factory when i already had over 10

experimental farm is in unique buildings category.

it produces food for citizens.


Earth 2 guida 😍

more progress


The Final Earth 3 Has been leaked!!! Here is a screenshot!!!

Speechless. Totally AMAZING lol :D

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