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I'm following a guy

You need like a looooooooooot of farms. (I mean a lot). Also an experimental farm would help. 


add war

what if you ran out of resources? like i mined all the stones now what? desperate help please

build a rock teleporter if u have enough parts.


if you dont have anything else press restart

new buildings u should add.

Wood cutting research center. unique. cost 750 stone 50 machine parts 50 refined metals and 1250 knowledge. produces knowledge for the amount of wood cutting center workers and amount of wooden house residents also allows you to research some tree plantation, wood cutting center, and wooden house upgrades. 3 workers. build at least 10 wooden houses, 25 wood cutting centers, 15 tree plantations, and a refined metals factory to unlock this building.

alien ruins teleporter. production. cost 20 wood 10 stone 20 machine parts and 50 knowledge. teleports alien ruins to this world so you will never run out of alien ruins. 1 worker. build at least 5 exploration centers to unlock this building.

Hey, did I accidentally screw myself?

I am playing the final hacker mission for the laste tons of hours and in the hippie story line, I didnt find the protected forest to built anywhere, so I went the alternative route to solve it.
however the missiona fter that now requires community homes which arent unlocked for me.

only due to internet googling now, I know that i would have unlocked those by building protected forsts at that one mission.
which i skipped.

i now know how to "built" protected foests but creating any of thems till doesnt unlock community homes.

guess it doesnt unlock since I am no longer in that certain  hippie mission where they should have been planted.

what to do now?

cant i finish the story line sinc I didnt built a protected forest at that time and solved the problem otherwise?

HELP please :-/

I've spent eons on this current mission, having beaten the other 2 story lines, so I REALLY dont wanna start over jsut cause of some sh itty trees -.-


best game on


I rarely buy anything on steam, but this one is most certainly worth it. 

This game started as a 5-minute time challenge with a simple concept and within several years, whoosh, now it's a masterpiece that you'll never get bored with. It's not just a management game. It's an architectural artwork.

I am just so glad that you kept on working on this project and I am very grateful for your hard work. Thank you for your dedication and we will always support your amazing masterpieces. Thank you.

(I'm trying to learn how to mod and failing miserably lol)

And yes I'm seriously struggling with curves.


how did u get those flying buildings?

(1 edit) (+1)

he's 76! plus i made some arcades.

he STILL skygazes every night.

(1 edit) (+1)

bruh he's 56. :D btw he's a fan of modern art


he's 20! (still stargazes every night) yay!


he climbs onto some alien ruins every night, so its easy to find him if i unselect him


i'm following a kid called felicio. it's fun 


Improved first world scenario and finished the second a while ago, now im on alien tech

First World:

Second World:

In freeplay

(1 edit)

my city v.1 and v.2



I was bored in class, then I remembered this game and thought I forgot about this account's login, but surprisingly I got it on the first try. This is what I came up with, after being inactive for 2 years. Everything is maxed out and all of the buildings are unlocked. Not all buildings are present, like the pod house but it feels like a waste of space imo.


win10 game doesn't even launch. crashes before showing anything and without an errorcode or anything.


(1 edit) (+1)

The music is addictive for me kinda anyone else has this problem

sorry for being incapable in the ways of the English language as I’m not native to it with my tongue 



my goofy ahh society

I cant download from Appstore cuz when i click on the link it opens my settings:(

Can you provide an Android APK directly to itch that doesn’t require Google Play Services? I specifically buy games from to avoid that.


The is the game of all time


This game is ridiculously fun! I'm up at 5:30 AM just to play the game!


I've been playing this game for awhile and I just got the paid version on Steam, because I beat this version four times. I was expecting it to be the same, and I was kinda just buying it to support the creator.

As it turns out, I am very happy with my purchase. I've spent an embarrassing amount of time playing it. My brother apparently gets Steam friend notifications whenever I open the app, and he recently asked me why the hell I like the game so much.

Anyway, the paid version includes many of the suggestions in this comment section. I'm not spoiling which ones, but they're fun. 

It also includes more scenarios, more groups with missions, fish, frogs, and creatures not otherwise specified. 


I know it's in the scenarios but idk which one, does anyone know how to make the upscale restaurants or how to get the prompt to unlock them?

I think that's in the "City Of The Key" scenario.

Does anyone know how the Secret Society of the Key chooses which pub to claim? the building for the secret society of the key is down near the left and there is a pub right next to it but they seem to not want to go there. 

I think the pub they choose is the first pub that you make in the world, but I'm not 100% on it


its the one with the key on it

(1 edit)

I've run out of rocks and I don't know how to get more apart from reclaiming materials from buildings. Please help.

Edit: I've restarted and now I realise that I get the prompt for the rock teleporter only after I make my citizens happy. 

I love this game so much

Me too 


First major city, be kind




I wish I could build something that cool!

oh my god, HOW????

insane dude


I like this game! It's an endless simulation and coolmathgames sucks, it only has some of the features in this game. Original rules, the non-original drools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for some reason, my production will stop or go from 2000 a day to 10 a day and my happiness is 85 and I have enough jobs for everything it will go from going well and then completely dropping

You should add supports so you can have tunnels and trees in your building

 hey if i close out of this game and go to a different one, will it save my progress?

Yes I just did it, it works

okay thank you!!!!!

i liek this game


also whats the biggest building ya ever? made heres mine 


holy shit


idk how big it was but take a tower of 2 alien houses with enough room for 4k people

i made 1000 story high one once


wasss good ppl i challenge you all to do tha best you can do with drumroll please...... botanical gardens! heres a example i madegood luck winner gets a cokkie!

hanging gardens of babylon confirmed??!

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