I accidentally pressed the "Push to itch.io" button, so I guess you could say there has been an update. But most of the new content I've prepared is actually still hidden. There are some little things though. For example, holes in buildings and rooftop buildings now have a bit less restrictions.
There is no login system or something like that, but the game does save. However, some computers occasionally delete save files. If you want to be sure, Export your save from the game menu regularly.
Suggestion: you should add a feature were you don't have to individually click to place building but instead have a drag placement area so you can just fill in the area with the building of your choice.
How do I "build the machine"? The resource requirements seem to purposely be off the screen so the player can't see it. If it is on purpose then that's cool because I personally think it's a good idea, but if it wasn't you might want to fix which way the pop up for the building appears in the game.
idk if I’m allowed to ask this but is there a secret code for more stone because I really deep in the 2nd scenario and forgot to build a stone teleporter, and I don’t want to restart
Hey Mia! You'll probably want to build some more Indoor Farms. Also, make sure you prioritize them. I hope this helps, and that you have fun with the game! Cheers, Florian
Since you can build infinitely up I think that should be changed maybe have like a limit which could be upgraded in a special building, also you should be able to create artificial soil and a support building to be able to connect two others or bridge across gaps or a hovering building increasing the limit of stacking towers
Yeah, if the Happiness is very low, there are no (or very few) homes and there is no food, the population will shrink. But it will take a lot of time to actually get 0 pop (and it is not really worth it :P).
Hey, I'm very sorry your progress was lost! This is unfortunately something that happens sometimes with browser saves. I'll look into maybe creating something like a cloud save system, but I would have to ensure it doesn't end up being really expensive for me as the save size and bandwidth from all players adds up.
In the meantime, you can always Export your save from the Game Menu regularly and store it in a safe location, then Import it later.
But I know that doesn't help you now. Unfortunately, I have no way to recover your exact save. However, I can give you a save file with a lot of resources that could help you rebuild. I've made such a file for Evan before, https://florianvanstrien.nl/files/TheFinalEarth/saveWithLotsOfResources.sav (right click/hold -> save as, then import it in the game with the Import... option in the game menu). If you were playing another scenario/had other progress or need help just let me know.
I understand that would be frustrating! I do want to turn this into an app but it is a bit of work. I'm working on some other things for the game right now, but I'll look into it after I'm done with that. No promise though, sorry! And I'll probably only be able to do Google Play at first, as developing for Apple stuff is really expensive.
Sounds good, well, just thought I'd put it out there, I am an experienced Software Engineer and this project (clearly) called out to me, I really enjoyed it. Anyway, this is your puppy, so you do what's best for you :) Best of luck and thanks again for a wonderful experience!
Okay, help. My population plummeted to, as of now, 643 people. I have reached 100 happiness, and have birth control on encourage birth. What can I do to get my pop. up?
Hmm, I think I forgot this when created your save file. I cheated 1000 citizens into existence, all 18 year old or so. But as they probably weren't very happy when they were in their childbearing age (as you probably, understandably, hadn't built a lot yet), they probably didn't get a lot of kids. These first 1000 people are probably dying right about now. Hopefully, your population should grow normally after that. If it doesn't, please Export your save file and send it to me and I'll fix it.
If and when somebody reaches 20000 knowledge points grant them the "Big Brain Time Statue", a statue of a brain that gives 1 point per 5 people that visit it, have it cost 20000 knowledge, 20 wood, 60 stone, 3 refined metals and 2 machine parts. Just an idea.
Also, if you get the star database upgrade, and then get the supercomputer and get the upgrade from that, does the observatory still get the 500% knowledge upgrade?
Hey, sounds like a nice idea! I'm not sure whether I'll implement that idea exactly, but I may very well make something like that! Edit: It would probably be a bit more expensive though. 😈
Never mind I've fixed but now Im trying to have all homes as park pods. Going for happiness over technology. I have 707 homeless people
Edit 1.i just realised how dumb I am. I've got to build 2000 Park pods at the moment but every time someone new is born I have to place another and so on. Sacrifices have to be made for happiness right.!???!
Edit 2. All the expensive upgrades have gone to waste for a stupid experiment. I might have to change all workers to wood!!!!!! (except farm workers of course)
Edit 3. Slowly but surely my sanity is going as I try complete this task. So far I only have 473 pods down out of 2000.thats only around a 5th of the way.. Its also so expensive the amount of wood I need. I calculated and 50 x 2000 is 100000.my next edit will be showing the result of replacing all of the houses with pods. Then after that (if I haven't lost all my sanity and brain cells) I will show all 2000 pods
I like the dedication :) However, just to keep your sanity: you don't really need to use only Park Pods for maximum happiness. All houses other than the basic House have an upgrade (or multiple) boosting them to 100 happiness, normally involving computer chips. The Modern Rustic Home also needs to be adjacent to three other rustic homes/parks for that.
This all doesn't mean a city with only Park Pods wouldn't be cool and interesting, of course. :)
I would say that the issue is that your people cannot get to their workplace fast enough during the day. When they do finally get there, the day is almost over and it's time to go home which means they don't produce anything. Depending on what stage of the game you are, you might want to add some better ways for your people to get where they want to go... Landing pads, elevators, teleporters...
Take a look at some of my other posts and see how I have spread out a bunch of teleporters everywhere so that people can get where they want to go quickly. I started with a few landing pads in key places, then added elevators plus landing pads, eventually got rid of everything and only used teleporters.
So your issue is very closely related to Bettina living on top of the Universe Tree hehe.
Hey Evan, I'm sorry it deleted all your progress! However, I'm afraid there's not much I can do there; I do my best to keep your save files but some browsers just like to delete files for random reasons (e.g. if there's limited space left on your device). And I don't really have the resources for a cloud save system right now.
However, I can offer you a save file with enough resources and people to hopefully help you get back to speed a bit quicker: https://florianvanstrien.nl/files/TheFinalEarth/saveWithLotsOfResources.sav (right click/hold -> save as, then import it in the game with the Import... option in the game menu). If you want this for another scenario or need help just let me know.
In the future, I recommend Exporting your save regularly to a safe location on your device/the cloud. You can do this from the game menu as well. This doesn't work on Apple devices right now, sorry.
There is a Park Pod at the top of what I call the "Universe Tree". You can imagine, she never makes it home, she makes it midway before she has to go back to work hehe. Also, 3000 population yay!
I will get back to you on this, I have recently granted her a landing pad for transport, it still takes her too long to do anything meaningful in the city, but at least she enjoys the view.
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This is the funnest game ever
Was there an Update? If there was, I totally missed it. If there was an update, what was in it?
I accidentally pressed the "Push to itch.io" button, so I guess you could say there has been an update. But most of the new content I've prepared is actually still hidden. There are some little things though. For example, holes in buildings and rooftop buildings now have a bit less restrictions.
How do i do this
Sorry, I'm afraid I don't get what you mean - what do you want to do?
you need more jobs
It looks great! Could be even bigger though. :P
like the organization
How good are the eco farms to the normal farms???
The eco farms are slightly better, but the difference is not huge.
they are tastier, more apples
How could I find secret codes?
ORCHID and Dance All Night
yeah lol I know those I was wondering if there where any others
hmm... I'd like to know that too
If I turn my computer off can I login and get my saved data on it
There is no login system or something like that, but the game does save. However, some computers occasionally delete save files. If you want to be sure, Export your save from the game menu regularly.
Suggestion: you should add a feature were you don't have to individually click to place building but instead have a drag placement area so you can just fill in the area with the building of your choice.
I think I play too much
How do I "build the machine"? The resource requirements seem to purposely be off the screen so the player can't see it. If it is on purpose then that's cool because I personally think it's a good idea, but if it wasn't you might want to fix which way the pop up for the building appears in the game.
you could look it up.
and, it is, you need a lot of machine parts, and food, and a good amount of computer chips.
Do the boosts from the labs work on Eco Farms? I can't tell if the crops are being boosted?
They do!
do i have to many stone or to much food(look at the food and stone supplies)
too much refined metal, no doubt
idk if I’m allowed to ask this but is there a secret code for more stone because I really deep in the 2nd scenario and forgot to build a stone teleporter, and I don’t want to restart
The Workshop can help you with that!
big brain time
um Im having the same problem i need machine parts for the stone teloporter but for that i need stone but theres no more stone on my planet
workshop uses wood for machine parts, priceless
like alot
need more wood
also prioritized
i think there is a glitch cuz i got farms but im not getting food
Hey Mia! You'll probably want to build some more Indoor Farms. Also, make sure you prioritize them. I hope this helps, and that you have fun with the game! Cheers, Florian
i'm new to the game and i'm not sure if this is supposed to happen. My stone just wont go up at all even when i have many workers.
Hey, there are a few things you could try:
Since you can build infinitely up I think that should be changed maybe have like a limit which could be upgraded in a special building, also you should be able to create artificial soil and a support building to be able to connect two others or bridge across gaps or a hovering building increasing the limit of stacking towers
yea i agre
good idea
Can you tell me all the building i can get please.
Yea same.
go to https://kongregate.fandom.com/wiki/The_Final_Earth_2
list of buildings and how to get them, there IS some extra ones not in game though...
Is it possible to have 0 population?
Yeah, if the Happiness is very low, there are no (or very few) homes and there is no food, the population will shrink. But it will take a lot of time to actually get 0 pop (and it is not really worth it :P).
well... you lose, probably
I have some ideas Florian (you don't have to do these)
Keep up the great work!!!
Thanks for the suggestions and I'm glad you like the game!
that would be AN in-game clock,
sorry, grammar geek,
good idea though, IMAO
Absolutely love this game!!!
Hey Florian, when is the next update coming out?
I would like to know as well
Hey Evan, I'm not sure yet, but I think somewhere this month.
noice level: large
If you have so many people it lags, slow the speed down and it'll lag less
I spent hours on the game and all ALL my progress was lost. ALL OF IT. I dont know if this is a game problem or what but please fix it.
Hey, I'm very sorry your progress was lost! This is unfortunately something that happens sometimes with browser saves. I'll look into maybe creating something like a cloud save system, but I would have to ensure it doesn't end up being really expensive for me as the save size and bandwidth from all players adds up.
In the meantime, you can always Export your save from the Game Menu regularly and store it in a safe location, then Import it later.
But I know that doesn't help you now. Unfortunately, I have no way to recover your exact save. However, I can give you a save file with a lot of resources that could help you rebuild. I've made such a file for Evan before, https://florianvanstrien.nl/files/TheFinalEarth/saveWithLotsOfResources.sav (right click/hold -> save as, then import it in the game with the Import... option in the game menu). If you were playing another scenario/had other progress or need help just let me know.
this message hadn't loaded when i put "nvm im good" but thank you! I saved the file in my pc
i can store some on my icloud drive?
nvm im good
Florian can you create this game but as an app on game stores (Google play and app store) as I can't play unless I have WIFI
I understand that would be frustrating! I do want to turn this into an app but it is a bit of work. I'm working on some other things for the game right now, but I'll look into it after I'm done with that. No promise though, sorry! And I'll probably only be able to do Google Play at first, as developing for Apple stuff is really expensive.
Do you need some help? I'd be glad to help out, we could discuss details in private if you'd like.
Thanks a lot for the offer, but I know how to do it (mostly). I just need to make some time for it.
Sounds good, well, just thought I'd put it out there, I am an experienced Software Engineer and this project (clearly) called out to me, I really enjoyed it. Anyway, this is your puppy, so you do what's best for you :) Best of luck and thanks again for a wonderful experience!
Mty city(only has 1147 homeless)
That's a lot of Park Pods!
park pods are cool... but their lack of space makes them impractical. use some spacious homes
Thanks to Florian, my new city is a almost the exact same, just looks different.
Also, just checked, 31404 food now. Holy shamoley.
Okay, help. My population plummeted to, as of now, 643 people. I have reached 100 happiness, and have birth control on encourage birth. What can I do to get my pop. up?
If not already get all upgrades for the medical centers. If that doesn't work then sorry I'm stumped as you are. Maybe try more food.
Hmm, I think I forgot this when created your save file. I cheated 1000 citizens into existence, all 18 year old or so. But as they probably weren't very happy when they were in their childbearing age (as you probably, understandably, hadn't built a lot yet), they probably didn't get a lot of kids. These first 1000 people are probably dying right about now. Hopefully, your population should grow normally after that. If it doesn't, please Export your save file and send it to me and I'll fix it.
(sorry about this by the way!)
Yeah, the second everybody old died it sky rocketed.
I remember the time where I had none even though having 433 farms. Now I have over 300k food but only 2000 people
If and when somebody reaches 20000 knowledge points grant them the "Big Brain Time Statue", a statue of a brain that gives 1 point per 5 people that visit it, have it cost 20000 knowledge, 20 wood, 60 stone, 3 refined metals and 2 machine parts. Just an idea.
Also, if you get the star database upgrade, and then get the supercomputer and get the upgrade from that, does the observatory still get the 500% knowledge upgrade?
Yeah, that should work fine!
Hey, sounds like a nice idea! I'm not sure whether I'll implement that idea exactly, but I may very well make something like that! Edit: It would probably be a bit more expensive though. 😈
That would be awesome. Upgrades for it could be 5x efficiency for all knowledge producing buildings.
Hey anybody know how I can fix my food problem. It keeps going 0 then back up but to only around 1200.i have over 400 farms and 2000 people
I want to get to 100 happiness before I up the population limit
Never mind I've fixed but now Im trying to have all homes as park pods. Going for happiness over technology. I have 707 homeless people
Edit 1.i just realised how dumb I am. I've got to build 2000 Park pods at the moment but every time someone new is born I have to place another and so on. Sacrifices have to be made for happiness right.!???!
Edit 2. All the expensive upgrades have gone to waste for a stupid experiment. I might have to change all workers to wood!!!!!! (except farm workers of course)
Edit 3. Slowly but surely my sanity is going as I try complete this task. So far I only have 473 pods down out of 2000.thats only around a 5th of the way.. Its also so expensive the amount of wood I need. I calculated and 50 x 2000 is 100000.my next edit will be showing the result of replacing all of the houses with pods. Then after that (if I haven't lost all my sanity and brain cells) I will show all 2000 pods
Before and after

I like the dedication :) However, just to keep your sanity: you don't really need to use only Park Pods for maximum happiness. All houses other than the basic House have an upgrade (or multiple) boosting them to 100 happiness, normally involving computer chips. The Modern Rustic Home also needs to be adjacent to three other rustic homes/parks for that.
This all doesn't mean a city with only Park Pods wouldn't be cool and interesting, of course. :)
You can do it! Keep trying!
I would say that the issue is that your people cannot get to their workplace fast enough during the day. When they do finally get there, the day is almost over and it's time to go home which means they don't produce anything. Depending on what stage of the game you are, you might want to add some better ways for your people to get where they want to go... Landing pads, elevators, teleporters...
Take a look at some of my other posts and see how I have spread out a bunch of teleporters everywhere so that people can get where they want to go quickly. I started with a few landing pads in key places, then added elevators plus landing pads, eventually got rid of everything and only used teleporters.
So your issue is very closely related to Bettina living on top of the Universe Tree hehe.
K I'll add elevators and see if it helps. If it does then thanks but if it doesn't then still thanks
I did absolutely nothing and it deleted all my progress! I WAS SO CLOSE TO THE SUPER COMPUTER!
If you don't want to lose it then keep it open as a tab at all times
Hey Evan, I'm sorry it deleted all your progress! However, I'm afraid there's not much I can do there; I do my best to keep your save files but some browsers just like to delete files for random reasons (e.g. if there's limited space left on your device). And I don't really have the resources for a cloud save system right now.
However, I can offer you a save file with enough resources and people to hopefully help you get back to speed a bit quicker: https://florianvanstrien.nl/files/TheFinalEarth/saveWithLotsOfResources.sav (right click/hold -> save as, then import it in the game with the Import... option in the game menu). If you want this for another scenario or need help just let me know.
In the future, I recommend Exporting your save regularly to a safe location on your device/the cloud. You can do this from the game menu as well. This doesn't work on Apple devices right now, sorry.
Florian, thank you so much. This helped tons!
There is a Park Pod at the top of what I call the "Universe Tree". You can imagine, she never makes it home, she makes it midway before she has to go back to work hehe. Also, 3000 population yay!
Lol and why. What is the person's name and how old are they
I will get back to you on this, I have recently granted her a landing pad for transport, it still takes her too long to do anything meaningful in the city, but at least she enjoys the view.
This is Bettina, she is on her way to work <3
NOOOOOOOOOOOO Bettina!!!!!!!!!
R.I.P Bettina
We will remember her sacrifice of living in the top home.
I have 3000 food at any one time if I'm lucky.
Holy Shamoley
Could we have a display frame rate option in a future update? I am on my way up to 3000 citizens and would like to see when it starts slowing down :P
Is there any point to having exploration centers after you've researched everything there is to research??
If you have no more use for knowledge, not really no. Except maybe for research in future updates.
I would keep them as future updates might be expensive.