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Hey Florian, can you please fix the age limits and behaviors?  It's quite confusing and kinda creepy to see a month old and a over 90 year-old go to a night club and to a bar.

Yeah, maybe I should fix that. I don't think I will deny 90-year-olds the chance to go to a bar or night club, but maybe one-year-old visitors are a bit strange indeed.

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I am so happy :D

Your citizens are too I see! :P And I am happy too, because that's a really nice and creative city! :D

How do you get the square park pods or are they an upgrade

When you build a Park Pod, a random variant is chosen. If you want to change it, click/tap on the Park Pod and choose Change Variant.


Never mind


Things are getting out of hand hahaha

Hey guys I just had an idea. I'm gonna try build my final earth 2 world on minecraft.

I was thinking of doing that too!

Sounds like an interesting idea! Do share a screenshot if you actually make it, would be interesting to see.

I'll take a picture cos I play final earth 2 on mobile but minecraft on xbox 1X

(2 edits)

Flori you need some sort of mayoral office which controls the game for you :as in you set the rules for each typer of building and tell the mayor to upgrade buildings or not

Edit (trying to make it less complicated) 

So what I meant is that you should add a mayor's office that counts as 1 homespace and 1 workspace both by 1 person who vote (a poll booth as well to add to this) and you can assign him to buy upgrades or to not buy upgrades (so you don't have to manually). 

Edit 2

Another thing to add that might help the game is more raw materials and material based buildings (e.g uranium and nuclear power plants) also a power resource that you can assign a certain amount to different building types and without it the buildings that would usually require power would shut down (buildings that would need power include all factories the arcades the houses nightclubs ext) 

Thanks for the suggestions! I agree that a better way to manage upgrades would be nice and a mayoral office would be a nice way for that.

It would be really nice to have a building block which is just empty, like, pillars or something like that where transport ships could go through instead of having to go all the way around. Like a panama canal for skyscrapers hehe.

Love the game, great job :D

Maybe use tele porters when you have enough as transport ships are the start of multi world transpotation

Youre right haha, I hadn't unlocked it yet :P

anybody have an idea to improve my settlement?

Labs.  Build labs and farms and tree plantations next to each other so they get boosts from the lab upgrades.

Assign an island to a type of building (OCD)

that's what i try to do, it fails

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Or create skyscrapers

Today when i signed in all my saves where gone.  why did this happen and is it undo able?

if you have recently deleted you cookies, history, and other browser data, it will delete any saves you have on unofficial gaming websites, or websites that don't create cloud (online) saves

It played and saved on itch, but i did recently do a history delete

also, if you open the game on no wifi it kills your saves

that is because there is no connection to the server so the save gets ruined because your device has different data


Just need to remind me, to relocate the exploration centres.

 look at the pub, what do you see.

IDK what am I meant to see?

on the pub which is above the elevator, there is a key

🤭That's the secret society of the key

yay, well done

I just checked the age of my oldest person: 302  whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 

I feel like I have OCD when it comes to games, here is why:

on the interworld city thing, I have got everything perfect, but then my population goes over 1000 so I rage and restart

does this happen to anybody else?

(1 edit)


edit:yes it does happen to me

*sarcastic* yay,  i'm not the only one out there

what happens when you get over 9999999 of a resource, does it turn into an abbreviation, or do the digits keep going? 

I think the box just expands and the digits keep going.

that said, im not trying to tell you that you shouldnt use landing pads, just know that they are only for early game use, and that if you want to speed up the time it takes for your workers to get to their jobs, teleporters and elevators are the way to go, once you got the resources of course 

launch pads only real use is to transfer people from island to island if you have a world that is split into separate chunks of land. Other than that, they are really slow and aren't that useful in any other way. P.S. Saves are separate worlds, practically separate files, so trying to transfer resources from one save to another is physically impossible unless you know how to decode the export file and recode it into the import file from your other save. In laymens terms, no, you cant. Sorry, i have to make everything complicated sometimes ^-^    

Can launch pads go from different saved worlds? Because in one save I have multiple resources and I want to move them...

No, I'm afraid not, maybe would be cool though!

Could you then try to do a beta of that... I'll love to test

has anybody bought the steam version yet?

No not yet and I'm a broke kid so it's impossible lol


It's not out yet, so I would be surprised! :P

Made some improvements! Now all the ships are teleporters, was also able to reach 100 happiness, but i still managed to keep everything organized, instead of throwing houses and entertainment buildings everywhere.

machine parts i just brought them up to 40k

i dont know if im doing something wrong or right, but i only have 2600 people, but i have almost 2 million food, over 300k of stone and wood, almost a million of the knowledge points, over 100k of the refined metals, and over 15k computer chips. And i have all buildings

ur going really well   (;

Deleted post

if your wondering about what that freaky design is, im just an art freak, so i take pride into making everything more difficult that it needs to be, but im the worst when it comes to games

So Yeah, Is This any good to anybody, just did this in one day. Painful process, but a very fun experience. Working on getting the supercomputer first, then i will work on society and 100 happiness Xp

Really nice city! I like all these interesting building shapes.

Been playing this game for about 2 years now and am wondering if there will be any more updates! Its a very fun game and although my world isnt very organized, i do have a couple resources.

man, that is amazing

sorry if these comments are late, im just more of a late night gamer.

Don't worry me too

What im thinking is there could be a way to buy more chunks of land, like, to add to the already existing ones, and can only be accessible after building The Machine. Each size could also cost more, and even cost more a of a more rare recourse than the last.

that's a cool idea, I would love to see that in the future

I feel like big noob, im doing way worse than the last time i played, i managed to mess up and put my computer chip factories on another island on the opposite side of the map from where my main house building is, and space ships are useless. Now i have to wait for the factories to produce 2-3 chips a day, even tho they are maxed, before i can get the teleporters to end this pain xD

Got the happiness statue!

Also is there any more building you can get after The Machine? I just love the game and hoped there was more to it, and is there a thing for having 5000+ people? 

Right now I'm afraid there's no more! I'm glad you've enjoyed the game! I do hope to release updates in the future with more buildings.

What are some codes you have? Because I have only found one. 

There are not that many codes yet, just two (one for signing up to the mailing list, which you can do at, and one you've already found!). Maybe I'll add more in the future, I do have some ideas that could be cool/funny!

I finally built The Machine 

well done

(1 edit)

Florian please make a way to save the world In itch.Io. I just reached 4000 people and I went on just now to see all my progress deleted. 

Also please make more games like this  and maybe add a way to transport resources from one world to another. That would be cool. 

Oh and sorry about how long the message is I write a lot when distraught

Edit: I agree with dominiPOL that there should be a sandbox

A multi player would also be nice

To save a world between computers and websites you have to use "export" and then on the other computer or website use "import" and select the correct save file. (Sorry if it seems complicated, i am bad at explaining things).

(1 edit)

1. I play on mobile

2. It deleted my progress on the same device I started on

3.i had 4000 people so I need a way to save A.S.A.P

Oh and thanks for trying I didn't explain properly


Unfortunately creating cloud saves is quite complicated (Itch doesn't offer a service for that afaik), but I totally understand that it is would be frustrating to lose such a nice save file! On Android, you should still be able to Export and Import save files via the menu. On iOS, this is unfortunately impossible because iOS doesn't want to play nicely with these files.

I will see what I can do though!


Thanks for the help. Glad I've got android😂

And I really wanna sue crazygames cos my progress (including the world I posted a couple weeks ago) was deleted 

(1 edit)

Am I the only kid here and also the only person playing on crazygames

Edit:I have just read thru I am not the only kid. And florien what is your best world

I'm a kid as well

(2 edits)

kinda bad but oh well here you have it

I don't think it looks bad at all! Nicely symmetric and still varied. It looks like an enjoyable place to be, too! :)

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when I play this at school my friends say that the night club and the teleporter both look like people are getting shot at by lasers, I was thinking that you could do a building where that's exactly what happens.

I do see what your friends mean! But hmm, I don't want the game to get all violent :P But maybe I could do some kind of escape room with lasers!

that would be amazing, thanks   <3

This is a really great game. It was nice to play it all the time.

I think that you need to add the ability to select several buildings, and then copy / cut and paste, this will probably be useful for building large cities and decorating. It may require some cost during cutting and copy with/without upgrades.

I certainly agree that would be very useful, it's just a bit complicated to implement properly as there are quite a lot of edge cases. But I'll see what I can do!

you know how when you click on a building to upgrade it tells you how many buildings of that type there are, could you make something in the bottom right corner next to the pause button to say how many buildings there are in total?


Sure, I can do something like that for the next version!

thanks   <3

made it to 2000 population

Nice, great job! You're pretty much done, but in case you would like to continue you can click on the population counter and increase the pop limit.

Close to getting Secret Society of the Key

this is an amazing game, it has used up hours of my free time. thank you for making it!    :P

You're welcome, thanks for playing it!

Will the steam version be free or paid?

The Steam version will cost a bit of money, as I do need to eat. :) Free versions such as this one will stay available of course, the Steam version will just have new content.

can you say how much it will cost

I'm not sure yet, but it certainly won't be expensive!

phooey, can it just have updates come faster? and have some small, but noticeable advantages

kinda like the Java edition of The final Earth 2



pretty cool!

this is very amazing, I try to build things like this... it doesn't work

use some advanced farms you barbarian! 


where's the machine though?

or was this screenshot before that existed?

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